Depois do Chef Nino, a minha vontade de experimentar tudo o que é brunch deste mundo despertou.
Não há dia melhor para o fazer do que ao domingo e na semana passada a escolha foi o Olivier Avenida, que tem um espaço lindíssimo e o buffet consiste numa inspiração de alguns dos pratos dos emblemáticos restaurantes do Chef Olivier.
Façam a vossa reserva (sim, é necessário) e desfrutem de uma autêntica viagem gastronómica.
After going to Chef Nino’s, my will to try every single brunch on this planet just grew.
There aren’t many things better to do on a sunday than having a fantastic brunch. Last week we chose Olivier Avenida, which has a beautiful environment and the buffet consists on an inspiration of a few of the dishes from the emblematic Chef Olivier’s restaurants .
Make your reservation (yes, you need to) and enjoy an authentic gastronomic trip.
We started off with various breads, cheeses and cold meats. We then tried the sushi, the porcinni penne and the chicken yellow curry. Perfectly ended it with a few (too many for just one person) desserts, including the mythic chocolate cake by Chef Olivier.
It was a huuuuge meal, enough to feed a continent for three years, but it’s always nice to be able to spend a few hours on a pretty place, with pretty people and great food.
You pay 20€ for the brunch, which is not the cheapest choice, but I guarantee it’s worth going at least once.
Olivier Avenida
Rua Júlio César Machado
1250-135 Lisboa
21 317 4105 |
Uaaaau!!! Eu já tinha visto na TimeOut mas agora apetece-me mesmo ir até lá!